S. No. |
Name of the Instrument |
Number |
Present Status |
1. |
Desktops |
09 |
Added to Central Computer Laboratory |
2. |
HP Deskjet Printer 1022 Plus |
01 |
Held in the Department |
3. |
Toshiba Laptop (with SSD Hard-Disk) |
01 |
Held in the Department |
4. |
Class Rooms (with necessary Bench, Table & Chair) |
03 |
Held in the Department |
5. |
Almirah |
02 |
Held in the Department |
6. |
Departmental Staff Room |
01 |
Presently Added in the Department |
7. |
Table Projector along with White Screen Hanger |
01 |
Presently Added in the Department |
8. |
Necessary Stationary (Separately) |
Adequate |
Presently Added in the Department |
9. |
Assets’ of Teachers’ UGC Minor Research Projects |
Books and Laptops Presently held by the College |
10. |
ICSSR Minor Research Project of Rs. 4,99,000/- |
Project Sanctioned in 2022 but Yet not Received |