Department of Physics


The Department of Physics was established on the 17th December 1980. In 1981, 34 students were admitted into class XI of Higher Secondary Course in Science under the aegis of the West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education while six nos of students were admitted into B.Sc. 1st year class affiliated to the University of Burdwan having Physics as one of the subjects. In those days, the department's laboratory had the instruments/apparatus needed. Subsequently, the Honours course of Physics was introduced in the Dept. in September 1990 with three students out of 10 seats (allotted by the University of Burdwan). At present the total number of sanctioned seats is 38. The lessons have been imparted through theoretical and practical classes by three Full-time teachers and two SACT teachers. We also have one permanent and one casual non-teaching staff in the department. Presently there are six laboratories equipped with instruments suitable for the UG curriculum and one LRC with computation facilities.