SSR Supporting Documents

SSR DVV Supporting Documents

1 1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability in transacting the Curriculum View/Download
2 5.1.2 Capacity development and skills enhancement activities View/Download
3 5.1.2 capacity development and skills enhancement activities on ICTSkills View/Download
4 4.1 Physical Facilities View/Download
5 4.3 IT Infrastructure View/Download
6 5.2.1 List of Students Progressing for Higher Education with details View/Download
7 5.2.1 Number and list of students placed along with placement details View/Download
8 7.1.1 Gender report_RMV_2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
9 1.4.1 Information to support the claim View/Download
10 1.4.1 Feedback form from different stake holders View/Download
11 1.4.1 Action taken report on the feedback analysis View/Download
12 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment View/Download
13 7.1.4 Institutional values and social responsibility View/Download
14 3.2.1 Innovation Ecosystem View/Download
15 3.3.2 Book Chapter Pub View/Download
16 5.1.4 Proof related to mechanisms for submission of Online Offline Students grievance View/Download
17 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization View/Download
18 3.4.2 Awards and recognitions received for Extension Activities View/Download
19 3.2.2 Supporting Documents for Number of workshops, seminars & conferences View/Download
20 3.4.3 3.4.3 Detailed Report of Extension activities for each extension and outreach program View/Download
21 3.4.1 Detailed Extension activities View/Download
22 2.3 Teaching- Learning Process View/Download
23 6.3.3 Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), Management Development Programmes (MDPs) professional development /administrative training programs View/Download
24 4.2.1 Additional Information for Library as a Learning Resource View/Download
25 6.5.1 Additional document_Internal Quality Assurance System View/Download
26 6.5.2 Quality audit reports View/Download
27 7.1.2 Bills for the purchase of equipment’s for the facilities created under this metric View/Download
28 7.1.3 Certificates of audit for the awards received from recognized agency View/Download
29 7.1.3 Report on Environmental Promotional activities conducted beyond the campus with geo tagged photographs with caption and date View/Download
30 7.1.3 Green audit report from recognized bodies View/Download
31 5.1.1 Policy document of the HEI for award of scholarship and freeships. 2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
32 5.1.1 Year-wise list of beneficiary students in each scheme 2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
33 5.1.4 Details of statutory regulatory Committees View/Download
34 7.1.2 Geo-tagged photographs of the facilities View/Download
35 7.1.2 Policy document on the green campus View/Download
36 7.1.2 Circulars and report of activities for the implementation of the initiatives document View/Download
37 6.3.1 Faculty Empowerment Strategies View/Download
38 6.1.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership_Additonal View/Download
39 5.1.1 All Documents of scholarships and freeships 2018-2019 - 2022-2023 View/Download
40 3.5.1 Summary of the functional MoUs and linkage collaboration View/Download
41 3.5.1 List and Copies of documents indicating the functional MoUs and linkage collaborations activity-wise and year-wise View/Download
42 3.5.1 List of year wise activities and exchange for MoU View/Download
43 5.3.1 e-copies of award letters and certificates 2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
44 5.3.1 Number of awards medals for outstanding performance relevant document to support the claim View/Download
45 5.1.4 Redressal of student grievances relevant document to support the claim View/Download
46 6.2.2 Screen shots of user interfaces View/Download
47 6.5.2 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution View/Download
48 6.3.2 Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years View/Download
49 6.4.1 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization_Additional Document View/Download
50 1.3.2 Average percentage of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship View/Download
51 7.2.1 Best practices as hosted on the Institutional website View/Download
52 7.2.1 Any other relevant information for Best Practices View/Download
53 2.6.3 Institutional data in the prescribed format for Pass percentage of Students during last five years View/Download
54 5.2.2 Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination 2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
55 3.3.1 Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years View/Download
56 5.2.1 Placement order 2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
57 5.1.2 Capacity Development and Skill enhancement activities during the last 5 years View/Download
58 5.2.2 Students qualified exams under each category relevant document to support the claim 2018-19 to 2022-23 (website upload) View/Download
59 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness View/Download
60 6.2.1 Institutional Organogram View/Download
61 1.4.1 Feedback analysis report submitted to appropriate bodies View/Download
62 6.2.1 Additional Document View/Download
64 2.5.1 Additional Information for Mechanism of internal external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time bound and efficient View/Download
65 5.2.1 Placement of outgoing students_progressing to higher edu_relevant document to support the claim_2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
66 5.4.1 Additional information for Alumni Engagement 2018-19 to 2022-23 View/Download
67 2.6.2 Attainment of POs and COs View/Download
68 4.1.2 Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution View/Download
69 6.4.1 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization View/Download
70 4.4.1 Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) View/Download
71 2.6.1 Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes View/Download
72 2.4.1 Sanction letters indicating number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority View/Download