Department of Economics


· The department of Economics started its journey in 1972 with General course.  Later, in 1985, the Honours course was inducted.

· Maximum 37 students (see the Admission page for category wise reservation) can take admission in the Honours course each year. As with the current trend, the Honours classes are ‘small’ in terms of roll strength but ‘beautiful’ as manifested by high percentage of attendance of students, low dropout rate, cordial student-teacher relationship and spontaneous participation of students in departmental activities.  A good number of students are in the General classes.

· Along with traditional methods of teaching, faculties use modern techniques of teaching.  As parts of co-curricular activities, the department publishes wall magazine, organizes fieldwork, departmental seminar, subject quiz etc. at regular intervals.  Faculties perform career counselling/mentoring of the students.

· The central Library caters to the needs of students regarding text and reference books.   A well maintained departmental library complements this further.

· Students of the department are performing well in University examinations in the last few years.  A good number of passed out students have got admission in post-graduation courses. Students are also cracking different competitive examinations and working in different sectors.

· The department is served by one Associate Professor, two Assistant Professors and one government approved part time teacher (see Academics – Faculty Members page for names). Three of the four teachers hold a Ph. D. degree.

· Teachers pursue research in environmental economics, happiness economics and performance of banks.  They have published works in recognised national and international journals such as Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Economic Review, Indian Journal of Economics, International Journal of Water Resource Development, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences etc.  They have presented papers in national and international conferences both in India and abroad.

Faculties have offered their services in preparation of district human development reports and assisted a consultancy offered by Reserve Bank of India.  The department offers consultancy      services on survey methodology, valuation of non-marketed commodities and preparation of development reports.