Department of Sanskrit
The Department of Sanskrit, Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga has been started on 22nd December, 1972 with General Degree Course. On 10th August, 2004 Honours Course was introduced. At present, the student strength in the department is 85 (CBCS Hons. Sem-2nd +4th +6th) and 53 (CBCS General Sem- 2nd +4th+ 6th). This department has got two full time permanent faculties including four State Aided College Teachers(Full time Permanent faculties: Alympia Sarkar, M.A., Amita Mandi, M.A. and Four Full time State Aided College Teachers: Dr. Doyel Ganguly, M.Phil., Ph.D: Debasri Manna, M.A.; Debjyoti Bhattacharya, M.A). At present, the Department is enriched with several facilities. Departmental wall Magazines are published regularly; Quiz contest and Departmental Seminars have been organized as a part of students' activity. Passed out students have got admission in Post-Graduation Course in different Universities/ Institutions. Besides this, most of the students of the Department are also cracking different competitive examinations and some of them are well placed in different prestigious sectors. Students of the College are well disciplined and deeply cherish the glory of the College. They are ready always to serve our country in the truest sense.