Principal's Desk

Principal's Desk





Principal's Desk

A  College Website is like an introductory about the college to the newly admitted students who have enrolled themselves in different disciplines of studies. We are a bit late this year in bringing out the brochure containing information of the college and its general activities that include the curricula and the courses run by the college. The new CBCS format of studies introduced two years back has been systematized by our affiliating university, the University of Burdwan and we make sure that the present prospectus accommodates relevant information on that as a way of familiarising the freshers among students in particular. The prospectus is a miniature representation of its institutional stakes and responsibilities that also manages to highlight the unique branding of education that becomes the distinctive mark of institutional identity: Vimuktasya Vimuchyate – the gradual perfection of the soul in man is our greater aim stated in the “Vision” while we follow this along the motto of making the local community an enlightened one through the mode of imparting education and this is pragmatically expressed in our mission. We as a college acknowledge our role as a prime mover in the locality of Champadanga and it is only in terms of meaningful exchanges with the human community of the area that we propose to move ahead for broader connectivity and greater significance in the world of education. Within the block of Tarakeswar and adjacent areas, we have already earned our distinction. But we have to further build up on that in pursuit of excellence. The recent re-accreditation in the grade of B++ by the NAAC in 2017 is already acting as the proverbial shot in the arm but we have to keep up the momentum and be aware of the responsibility of keeping ourselves moving. The new students, accorded a warm welcome from us, should become active participants in this process of continual construction and development.